Blake were born in 2001 in the north italian’s contrysides. Fueled by punk and fog, in 2006 they printed their first album (“Get old or die trying”), a mixture of fast rhythms and melodies, which is also released in Japan by Fast Circle Records.
With this releases the band starts to tour around Italy making friends with bands as Jet Market, Bedtime For Charlie, Question Marks, X-State Ride & Not Found, part of the new generation of punk-rock bands in Italy.
From this friendship they have been involved in community called “Last Chance” (built by Jet Market) with the goal to trade and book shows.
In 2008 it was the turn of “Long live pessimism”, which contains 12 songs of melodic punk and rock’n’roll reminiscences, showing a new ispiration and personal melodies.
The band proceedes on the DIY way releasing this album and taking an active part in a new community called “Extreme sound” where are invloved also bands as ActionMen and Indigo (a new band with members from the legenday italians Seed’n Feed). The final result of this collaboration is the “Extreme Sound Festival” headlined by ANTILLECTUAL from Holland.
In 2009 they recorded their third album @Hell Smell Studio; the album wink to the emotional punk of the 90’s and it is influenced by bands like Farside, Face to Face and Seed’n’feed; therefore the band decided to name it “I was young in the 90’s”.