

We are so glad to release on Janaury 13rd the new (let me say amazing) album of swedish skatepunkers FROM THE TRACK titled “Martyrs”

If you are not familiar with the band From The Tracks is a technical punk rock outfit from the woods of Wermland, Sweden. The band was born in the year of 2008, after
the break up of Ends Like This. “We had something good going on there and didn’t wanna let go just yet” says Tommy (formerly Mike).
So him and Patrik went to work and before their first tour across Europe in the spring of 2009 they released a full-length demo and two full-length albums (This Machine and I, Recover).

In order to play shows they called for help and convinced Sean (Terrafraid, The Affect Heuristic, Goodbye Blue Monday) and Gav (Terrafraid, Sicktrick) both from Dundee, to join forces in a Swedish/Scottish alliance!

Between 2009 to 2013 they toured around mainland Europe and the UK as well as managing the recording of two more albums (The Greater Distance, Get Worse) plus a bunch of songs that were featured on different splits and compilations. Then reality caught up with the fearsome foursome. It became increasingly hard to maintain a band with a literal ocean in between the members, so From The Tracks was put to rest.

In February 2018 they did a re-union show, supporting Adhesive, and later the same year they played with bands like A Wilhelm Scream and After the Fall at the mighty KNRD Fest in Germany, and the spark was ignited once again, which turn out to a new album called Martyrs!

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